Monday, May 18, 2015

Discussion Questions

  1. Why did you select the sites you subscribed to? Because Some i liked others were all i could find.
  2. Was it easy to find feeds and to subscribe to them? Not at all only some because it was right on the front page.
  3. Which sites were your favorites? Ford , hair style, and the autism 
  4. What else can you use RSS feeds for? To give people links to things they need
  5. How likely are you to continue to use RSS feeds in the future? not very

Life Goals

  Since growing up in a family like I do with a disabled brother , sister, and father. I want to be able to help people with needs. Make a difference with them. People find them scary or creepy but theyre just normal people you just have to treat them like ones. I know we can't change people but if we'd just ytu to be nicer that would help a lot of the terrible things that happen everyday. Just giving people attention in the day can change up how they feel about themselves. not negative attention though. Only positive , like a smile or a hi or how are you. Letting them know people care and not all are so mean. That right there can help people. My life goals is to be able to go to a cancer center go see the kids bring them flowers and not treat them like patients but to treat them like they're human beings. I'd love to see happy.

Monday, May 11, 2015

invisible cloak

   To be honest I don't like people. I wouldn't really wanna help them. I would totally mess with them though. i mean i guess i would would change people's grades. Not people who have good grades but ones who aren't doing so great. Since school is really hard for and people and they just want to get it over with.
   Another thing is i would give out free lunch and judt food in general. People don't have a lot of money to buy things so they could go hungry for the day! Why should i let that happen. i refuse. And that would be good enough i think. Those would be my day of an adventurous good citizen.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Devices with feeling: new tech creates buttons and shapes in mid-air

(UltraHaptics technology creats 3D shapes in mid air using forced  ultrasonic Waves)
UltraHaptics is a young company with a big dream: changing the way we interact with electronic devices.
Their technology creates tactile three-dimensional shapes literally out of thin air, using ultrasound. The company's tagline says it all: "Feeling without touching."
Through an emission of sound waves, sensations are projected through the air and to the user.
Changes in air pressure are perceived as suspended tactile surfaces, creating invisible -- but tangible -- interfaces.

Writing Prompt

  I think we should have a piano class. Like the basics it should be able to be a four year course. Not like a complete professional class but a nice little class so kids who actually wanna learn to play and stuff they'd be able to. This class should meet not right after school i think around 4 - 4:30 ish. It should be a good 2 hours long. NOT A LOT OF WRITTEN PAPER WORK! A class where they really focus on the music because a lot now they wanna teach the history of this. In all Honestly no kid actually really cares about that they wanna play and enjoy the class and not regret joining it and are bored to death. I want pictures of the students all over the classroom. i want to see only smiling faces.

  All student should not bring in their own keyboards i believe this class should provide them for the class ones that everyone will use and we can have enough for anyone. Only serious students who actually wanna learn can join this class. Not a kid whos gonna fool around and break the keyboard. I want the kids to be happy. Want them to look forward to coming to this class they should be about 10 minutes early because when the class starts then it starts because we need all the time. Unless they actually tell me when they're going to be late then i wont care. I would always play soft music in the background people tend to learn better with background noise. At the end of each marking perido i would like them to choose a song they have fully learned and play it for me. And sing im not judging on singing im judging the performance.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Could the next moon mission involve a small step for an ape, but a giant leap for all robots?

Image result for robot chimp

With renewed interest in moon exploration -- in particular the remote possibility that deposits of helium-3, believed to be in greater concentration on the moon, could one day power nuclear fusion power plants on Earth -- robots might be the ideal solution, especially to keep the costs down.
And a design from the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (also known as DFKI) in Bremen, Germany, has landed on the chimpanzee as its model for unmanned lunar missions.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Wiki Dissection DQ

  1. What is the purpose of this Wiki? To inform us about disruptive tech. in the classroom
  2. When was the last post? Sunday April 6th
  3. How was this Wiki created? with Wikispaces
  4. What would you add to it? How these devices can effect you, also updates and more information about school rules
  5. What did you learn from it? nothing really to not use your device in school
  6. If you had to create a Wiki with a team, what would be the specific topic (s)? Mine would be about cats
  7. How can Wikis be used in the classroom or in education? you could use it to help when you have questions but don't want to ask the teacher.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

WIKI Opinion

  I believe that wiki is a great source to use. I just wouldn't completely trust everything i see on there. As for a research paper i wouldn't use wiki for that. Or if i did it would be very little because even though it's difficult to change its still possible and i wouldn't want to take that risk. Im now more informed about this information and i know when and  when not to use wiki. I found out it's not always wrong and that its one of the top results when you look up a subject.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


I agree with everything these people are saying. We must start to inform younger generations now and even the older one. Everyone basically lives off social media and half the the time they don't think before they do. If something bad was posted and people get in fights over it the other deletes it n just believes its fine but its not.  Jobs, colleges could all still access all these information. One mistake could ruin your future or even your life now. I think all schools shouldn't have like meetings about it, but they should have all students do a paper on this a two - three page paper. About why you should watch what you post and what the consequences will be. When they're fully educated about it then maybe these people will think twice about what they do then next time.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


The Bionic Ant

In a lab in Germany lives a strange breed of ant. These ants have ceramic limbs and 3D-printed bodies. They gain sustenance by charging their batteries through metal antennae against electric rails. Where eyes should be there are two parts of a stereo camera. Underneath each thorax sits an optical sensor pulled from a computer’s mouse. All along the body, like stripes from a biomechanical tiger, are circuits and electric conduits. These bionic ant mimics are the size of a human hand. There are at least a dozen of them, and they’relearning to work together.
Made by Festo, a German engineering firm, these ant bots move via piezoelectric materials, with tiny electric charges inching their legs along.
The ant bots use their cameras to navigate and wireless communication to stay in touch--just like millenials. In the future, they may find work on factories, perhaps clearing up scraps from work-room floors after hours. Watch the ants work together below:

Friday, March 13, 2015

How a circular smartphone could help rework tech

Screens are rectangles. Even the 3-year-old playing with your iPad could tell you that. But what would the digital world look like through a different sort of frame? Say... a circular one?
Monohm, a startup based in Berkeley, California, was founded around this very idea. For the last year, the three-person team has been working a circular, palm-sized device dubbed Runcible.
They cheekily refer to it as the "anti-smartphone," a description that goes for both its form factor and its value system.
The round device is meant to be the antidote to our feed-obsessed, notification-saturated digital existence. It's a challenge to the rectangular status quo and everything it represents. That's a quixotic dream, but an interesting one.

Friday, February 27, 2015

BuzzFeed's newest traffic driver: debate about the color of a dress

The original image is in the middle. At left, white-balanced as if the dress is white-gold. At right, white-balanced to blue-black.

If you were online on Thursday night, you know what happened: social media services were overrun with comments about the colors of a woman's dress. Some people saw black and blue; others saw white and gold.It was a debate tailor-made for BuzzFeed -- and in some ways made by BuzzFeed. By midnight Eastern time, the web site said the dress story was a record-breaker: "it drew more visitors to our site at one time than ever before."
The picture of the dress originated from a Tumblr post by a user named Swiked, who asked Tumblr users for help in figuring out the dress's true colors. Once BuzzFeed spotted the story on Tumblr, there was no stopping it.

Monday, February 23, 2015


My favorite class is bio. The teacher is Mr. Colarusso. He's a very smart man. When he was in 6th grade he skipped two grades and was put into 9th grade his 7th grade year. He is teaching Biology, Honors Biology, AP Biology, Biotechnology and Genetics. Not only is he an amazing teacher. He's also a magnificent person. He's sweet, has a good heart, and isn't mean. He's patient and considerate. When i first began his class i thought it was going to be an easy A. I thought I wouldn't really have to work. But he taught me to get the grades i want I'm going to have to work for it. And it's not going to be easy at all, but in the end it will be worth it. He just doesn't hand out grades. At the end of the marking period he does look for the lowest grade you have and he removes it helping you more. 

Student 1  Genetics 1
Im more of a hands on learner. The great part about Mr.Col is that he teaches us from a smart board the book and also little projects. Like drawing posters of the pictures of stages in our book. We actually have a voice in this class. Not afraid that you might get yelled at if you speak up. We don't really use much technology in this class. Besides the smart board where he puts of information and notes up on. I believe he's such a great teacher i can't believe he even teaches in our school. He's so smart he should be teaching a college class. Here's a video about something we would learn in class.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Military spouses targeted in twisted ‘CyberCaliphate’ hack


A group calling itself “Gasper CyberCaliphate Sadz” hacked the Military Spouses of Strength Twitter account on Tuesday morning, reports. The group replaced the account’s profile and sent threatening messages to the spouses using their full names.
The Twitter account was shut down following the twisted hack and was still suspended on Wednesday.
Military Spouses of Strength was set up in 2013 with the goal of improving mental health awareness in the U.S. military community.
The attack is the latest in a spate of hacks by apparent cyber jihadists. Newsweek’s Twitter account was hacked Tuesday morning by a group also describing itself as “CyberCaliphate.” The hackers briefly changed the @Newsweek profile picture and banner to an image of a masked man and the black standard that is the symbol of the terror organization ISIS. The profile also bore the message “Je suIS IS."

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Hello I'm Gracie Kruzelnick. Umm i don't know what really to write about. i have no friends. i love to sing and draw and write. I like to drink starbucks and go to the mall. I like getting money. I also work. I hate people especially drama starters. Daphne Lyn is my best friend. Jocelyn is life. Andrew too. Carol is sorta a friend. I love food. I can make a banging taylor ham and egg. Im terrible at math and bio. But i'm a very nice social person for the most part. Music is lyfe. This is from Uncle Tom my email Black Cat productions.