Monday, May 18, 2015

Life Goals

  Since growing up in a family like I do with a disabled brother , sister, and father. I want to be able to help people with needs. Make a difference with them. People find them scary or creepy but theyre just normal people you just have to treat them like ones. I know we can't change people but if we'd just ytu to be nicer that would help a lot of the terrible things that happen everyday. Just giving people attention in the day can change up how they feel about themselves. not negative attention though. Only positive , like a smile or a hi or how are you. Letting them know people care and not all are so mean. That right there can help people. My life goals is to be able to go to a cancer center go see the kids bring them flowers and not treat them like patients but to treat them like they're human beings. I'd love to see happy.

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